KaddyShack Enquirer

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sheep Vote In Union, HackandSlash Served With Restraining Order

"Finally!!!" was heard from Baba Blacksheep. "We've been after this for some time now and we finally can have representation to handle our major issues."

Sheep all over Europe overwhelmingly voted for a union. Blacksheep said that they wanted to form a union for several reasons but the biggest uniting thing was the treatment they received from HackandSlash. "To say that he is a bit rough with us when he gets worked up is an understatement," said Blacksheep. He detailed very disturbing things that this reporter just doesn't feel comfortable with. Blacksheep did refer us to their lawyer, Harry Nutsack.
"Mr. HackandSlash is a very disturbed and violent man. Some of the things he does to these sheep he won't even do to his wife, and she might be thankful for that," said Mr. Nutsack. "We have had him served with a restraining order already. He won't be allowed to be within 500 meters of any sheep herd in Europe. We have also asked the judge to order that HackandSlash turn over all of his "disguises" he uses to sneak up on the sheep. We have several videos of him using several of his techniques. I'm confident that we can slow him down. I'm not sure we can stop him completely."

"We have already created a t-shirt to sell to help support our union and our cause. We are sure that HackandSlash will fight this restraining order and a court battle will be very expensive. But we are willing to use some of this money for rehab for HackandSlash and we hear that it can be very costly and painful," said Blacksheep.
"We weren't sure if we could get the herd to vote the union in but after we invited Geddy Lee from the rock band RUSH to speak to the herd we felt confident that we'd get the votes. I mean if he and his band mates can write a song in support for trees to get a union why can't he help us sheep get one as well," said Blacksheep.

HackandSlash could not be reached for comment but his wife did tell us that he had been spotted at a pet store in the neighborhood and asking what goats liked to eat other than grass.

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