KaddyShack Enquirer

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hack Steps Down, PaulCK Steps In

In a stunning development HackandSlash has stepped down as Guild Master of KaddyShack. PaulCK has gained control of the guild it appears via his damn irish luck.

"I just can't do it anymore," said a relieved Hack, "these muppets are just driving me crazy with all the attention they need. Not to mention all the self cleaning and ball washing that I have to witness. Oh, I thought we were talking about my cats!"

PaulCK seems very confident in his successful take over of KaddyShack. "Its really quite simple. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. KaddyShack will continue to set the standard for guilds within Shot Online. I still can't believe that a simple box of goat porn is all it took to take over the guild."

"Well in all fairness I did ask shoootermcgavin if he wanted the guild back," said Hack. "He said he needed to take a quick smoke break and he never got back to me."

"Well I really did want to take over the guild," said a disappointed BigDumbLefty, " but how can I run a guild when that bastard kevinj1 is around all the time asking my wife if she wants to take a spin 'Around The World' as he calls it."

We spoke to Wild-Bill but he told us that he was way to busy to even attempt running the guild. He told us that all of his free time has been taken up with his newest business adventure of a sex change shop. His penis removal kit is in its final stages of getting a patent and should be on the Home Shopping Network by Christmas.

When we spoke to stephencbt he was quoted saying, "I was told that there was a height requirement. Its bad enough I am not tall enough to ride half of the rides at DisneyWorld. Hell, they told me to go to Kansas and look for the yellow brick road."

According to markthefish, "I was feeding Hack as much alcohol as I could but before I knew it he was trying to call the dragon for a felch. Then he pissed himself and fell asleep."

The last submaster we spoke to was xzerus, "Well I had an opportunity to take over the guild but I had already wrestled the tournament team away from stephencbt. I am having enough fun with that."

We have heard rumors but cannot confirm that LrdDrkHlmt has already asked PaulCK for ng to take his tests again. Andy245 has also been rumored to be the head of security for PaulCK. There has been an investigation into the reappearance of Khiss, xTazz, and Abigal now that Hack has been replaced. However it is rumored that Abigal escaped the clutches of Hack's dungeon.

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