KaddyShack Enquirer

Thursday, November 13, 2008

EU Takes Commanding Lead. US Team Holds Failed Rally

After the 2nd round of the Ryder Cup the EU team have found themselves with a demanding lead of 15-7 with just one match still left to be decided.

"It was just as bad as the first round," said roughstuff. Most of the US team admitted that it was "rough" watching the scores come in with them on the wrong side.

"We came into this round with a plan and that plan worked as well as we thought the plan would," said a smiling PaulCK. When asked to elaborate he said, "Well the US team is pretty simple minded. We knew if we bought them all SpankVision in their hotel rooms last night that they would be too tired to play today. Not to mention how sore their forearms would be. It was the best $150 I think I have ever spent."

We did ask one US team member if this was true and all they would say was, "It was crazy man. Just crazy." He asked not to be identified.

The EU team had some huge wins. JUNHINO and megwan had the biggest win of 6 & 4. HackandSlash with adonis159 and Silver93 with Khiss also had convincing wins. Even dibdob and PaulCK won without much difficulty. Just about everyone on the EU side had great matches.

The US team did have a few bright spots. Damifino28 and G8rBait stole a match on the last hole. Pisgah-Bear and xSINISTERx also won their match as well. The oddest win for the US team came when Hammerbro and DogsPlayingPoker arrived at the first tee only to find out that Martinlp and Tatoman had been given the wrong directions and arrived at a landfill and missed their match. An investigation has been launched and LrdDrkHlmt has been blamed for this incident.

The best match was between slimdan and bassbassist against Peacefrog and Nomad. The match was tight the entire way with the last 6 holes tied and the match halved.

"We tried everything to distract them," said slimdan. "We tried whoopie cushions and sneezing but those guys were focused."

The US team held a rally this evening to try and generate some hope and good feelings before starting the singles matches. We did get a sneak peak at the t-shirts that ShoooterMcGavin handed out.

Needless to say we think that the US team is in big big trouble.

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